How We Deal With Coronavirus
As the death tolls arise, our fear and anxiety levels are frankly through the roof. With this pandemic, we’re in uncharted waters unlike any other event before and this doesn’t help our anxiety at all. Like you, here at Ashley, we’re trying to wing it and we’re learning on the go how to best cope with these rough feelings.
Even Olympics, which have never been canceled before, are postponed until further notice. “It’s a total bamboozle,” says gold medal Michael Phelps who is also a strong mental health advocate. “There’s such a wave of emotions. I can’t imagine what these athletes are going through right now.”
Here are some of our suggestions to help you get through this time:
Start a new book. Remember all those books you’ve been recommended and jotten down somewhere to read next? This is a perfect time to indulge in an exciting new novel to escape your mind and current news. On our currently-reading shelf is “Evolve Your Brain” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This books explains in science how powerful thoughts can be to shapen our brain. We enjoyed learning more about it and we’ll be telling you more on this subject later so stay tuned!
Light a candle or incense and take a relaxing hot bath. If you live with your family, roommates or your partner and share a bathroom, we understand this might be tricky but it’s surely worth giving a heads up to people around you.
Move your body. Whether it’s relaxing yoga, mindful meditation or some tough workout classes. Barry’s is one of ours and America’s favorite fitness studios and they’re posting their online workout classes for free. You can follow those via their Instagram, @barrys
Learn a new skill. Always wanted to learn how to code, bake amazing chocolate chip cookies or maybe try your hand in crafting? Now that you’ve got all this free time in your hands, why not use it to learn a new skill? You can check out plenty of free online courses available on Udacity, Coursera or Udemy.
Try mixology with friends. Learning how to make amazing cocktails at home is another good pass-time. Or as some call it, a quarantine or a cocktail with whatever is left in your pantry. It can be worth trying out with your housemates, your partner or if you’re living by yourself, you can always call them.
You can find some simple recipes here:
FaceTime your friends and family. It’s important in this time that we support each other as much as we can and FaceTime makes us feel our loved ones’ presence more.
Talk to Ashley about your feelings, thoughts, and worries. You can always download Ashley and talk to her about anything to make you feel better. We’re in this together!
Love and stay safe,
Ashley Team