I Got Diagnosed With Endometriosis And It Changed My Relationship With My Body

Endometriosis is still a phenomenon which remains a mystery to many. With few spotlight on a condition that impacts millions of women, the guest contribution by our user Katie unravels.

3 min readMar 11, 2021

March is Women’s History Month and it’s important to talk about something so important yet so under covered in the press like… endometriosis.

I was listening to Girlboss Radio podcast the other day and the new host was talking about how women’s rights movement and all the educational content that was generated by it gave her.

Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Periods with heavy aches are commonly heard. Yet not really taken as seriously as it should be.

Since getting my first period at the age of 13, I had to go through severe cramps and heavy bleeding each month.

I heard many went through such pain because of internet memes but I found it strange how easier my mom’s and my older sister’s experiences sounded like.

So for a long while, I ended up ignoring these pains and just imagining “well, everybody has got through it so be a big girl”.

It was only when I was a late teenager, and I finally went to the doctor to raise my concerns. He actually supported me instead of shutting down the conversation, like most people who don’t know about endometriosis or who are not health professionals did, the side effects of my period including breakouts and severe cramping.

It felt like my periods were getting progressively more painful. What used to be several excruciating but bearable days each month, turned into canceling plans with friends and family and missing work. When my period arrived, all I could do was lie in bed and wait for it to be over.

While any woman can be experiencing difficult periods, it shouldn’t go overlooked. Often times these pains can indicate the existence of an underlying condition- endometriosis.

If not treaten, endometriosis can lead to an even more difficult experience.

After almost a decade of living with this condition, I wanted to share my experience on social media. The last year showed me that it’s so important to be real and open about the challenges we all face—life is not perfect and it’s best to also show our down moments.

So, you want to talk about the hard stuff too in a chill and light atmosphere? Join weBelong community of #TMIGirlTalk and start making friends who are going through a similar experience.

This post was written by a guest contributor, Katie Williams.

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