You Don’t Need A Summer Body

Every summer we aspire to be our fittest selves but this year is different.

3 min readJul 8, 2020

Once the spring shows its early signs around the corner and as the trees grow greener, I’d feel a frantic pressure for going to the gym more frequently than I possibly could and watch what I eat in order to meet my body goals — all to achieve the perfect “summer body.”

Every year, no matter what happened, I felt this pressure.
Advertising made sure I felt it.
Face-tuned photos on Instagram made sure I felt it.

As a busy student, I surely had final exams on June which would high affect my mental wellbeing and were maybe more important for my future. But I still felt shame around for my “summer body” not being ready.

Scott Webb (on Unsplash)

How many pounds should we weigh to feel adequate?

To feel worthy of love? To feel enough?

You, yourself is enough.

The idea of pressuring oneself to look a certain way for a certain season and that certain season alone is preposterous. Surely, summer is skin season but shouldn’t we rather worry about our body’s wellbeing all year round?

COVID-19 crisis has really shown us how important our health is. Both physically and mentally, we’ve spent very challenging months where we’ve been tested with anxiety, social isolation and even OCD.

If you are reading this healthy, recognize how lucky you are.
How many people would love to be in your place right now.

This summer is unlike any summer.

Let’s recognize the strength and resilience in our bodies.

“Look down on your body and whisper there is no home like you
Thank you

- Rupi Kaur

Do it because it makes you feel good.

Let’s try to disassociate in our minds moving our body from the sole goal of losing weight and looking better and focus instead on all its other amazing benefits. I find joy in my workout. It helps my body ache less and stretching feels good. This could going on a long walk with a podcast you enjoy in the sun.

Listen to your body.

So many of times we operate on auto pilot and just don’t seem to listen to our body. Your hunger levels can indicate with a pretty good accuracy and without being too controlling.

Don’t forget that healthy eating also includes your mental health.

This summer, after a long winter, make peace with your body and be grateful for it working so hard to protect you.

Surely, at the end of the day, your body is your business, and you can do whatever is best for you. My only ask is that for one summer — this summer — be grateful for the health of your body and embrace your curves.

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Written by weBelong

weBelong is a a digital safe space for marginalized teens to connect and chat with like-minded teens. Download:

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